Can I use Hevea Qanik blades on a snow blower?

Of course! We highly recommend that you use our 4-in.-wide snow blower blade because it has a built-in steel plate. Securing the blade between the snow blower and flat bar is important; this way, if the snow blower hits a heavy obstacle, the rubber—not the machinery—absorbs the impact. Proper blade installation is also crucial. The holes must be countersunk no more than 3/8 in. to avoid weakening the rubber. Your hardware will never touch the ground, so you will avoid damaging various surfaces.

What is the difference between Hevea Qanik rubber, recycled rubber, conveyor belt rubber and Teflon® (UHMW/UHMWPE)?

The reinforced rubber used to manufacture Hevea Qanik snowplow and snow blower blades is moulded from the best-quality raw material. Made of a single piece of rigid, homogenous rubber, the blades are virtually obstacle-proof.

Recycled rubber can be very useful in static applications; however, in constantly moving parts, it deteriorates very quickly. Recycled rubber is made of scrap rubber mixed with powerful chemical additives that “glue” the pieces together.

Conveyor belt rubber is made of commercial rubber with fabric on the inside. This material, although extremely stretch-resistant, is not particularly resistant to friction.

Teflon® is an inexpensive, extremely rigid, high-density plastic. It was long considered an alternative to steel because it is safer for surfaces. However, it isn’t as resistant to abrasion, and use can leave marks on paved surfaces.

How long does the product last?

Most snow removers use our blades for a minimum of two seasons. Of course, wear varies according to the frequency and degree of use, and we can’t predict what obstacles or incidents might cause premature damage to the blades. However, the rubber will protect your machinery from obstacles that could otherwise damage it.

How will my equipment be affected if I hit an obstacle (e.g. a manhole cover)?

Qanik rubber, which Hevea uses to manufacture its snowplow and snow blower blades, is both resilient and extremely rigid. This allows it to withstand repeated contact with the vast majority of obstacles, such as water grates and manhole covers. In an extreme situation, the rubber will tear, but it will still protect your equipment from the impact.

Are Hevea Qanik blades reversible?

Yes. Blades 6 in. high or higher are reversible, but 4-in. blades are not. You can use both sides of the blade for optimal results! During installation, we strongly recommend adding a flat bar to reinforce the rubber and prevent it from bending. With this added protection, the blade will still be reversible. See our installation sheet for more information.

I bought a 10-ft.-long snowplow blade. How should I drill the holes and cut the part to the correct length?

Adjusting Hevea Qanik snowplow blades is easy when you know how! Feel free to consult our snowplow blade or snow blower blade installation sheet for instructions.

Can I get pre-drilled and pre-cut parts like the ones I originally bought from my snowplow manufacturer?

We do not supply manufacturer replacement parts. Hevea Qanik blades are offered in 10-ft. lengths so that you can easily adapt them to your equipment and your needs. Consult our snowplow blade or snow blower blade installation sheet for all the information you need for optimal installation.